Nashville Fit Interview with Leah Kate: Life on Tour, Staying Active, and What’s Next

We recently had the chance to sit down with rising pop star Leah Kate to chat about her life on the road, staying healthy, and what’s next for her career. Leah’s energy and passion are undeniable as she navigates non stop touring, a whirlwind career, and maintaining balance in the chaos.

Nashville Fit: Leah, you’ve been on tour with Jess Glynne for the past few weeks. How has that experience been for you?

Leah Kate: It’s been amazing! Jess is such a sweetheart, and the energy from the fans has been unreal. I’ve been on the road almost nonstop for the last three years, opening for artists like Madison Beer, Anne-Marie, Hayley Kiyoko, and Cheshire Atlantic. It’s been a crazy ride, but I love it.

Nashville Fit: Wow, that’s quite the schedule! Where do you call home when you’re not touring?

Leah Kate: My home base is L.A., but Nashville feels like home now. I recharge in L.A. when I’m off the road.

Nashville Fit: Do you have a favorite city you’ve performed in on this tour?

Leah Kate: New York is probably my favorite stop so far—I just love the energy there. But I have to say, the crowd in Boston was insane! There’s something special about performing there. The fans have been so supportive, and each city has been incredible.

Nashville Fit: Touring can be pretty chaotic. How do you find time for yourself or stay active while on the road?

Leah Kate: Honestly, it’s tough! My days are usually waking up, traveling, performing, and repeating. I try to find local spots for massages when I can, but fitness-wise, my shows are such a workout on their own—it’s 40 minutes of straight cardio! When I’m at home, though, I’m super active. I work out every day with a trainer and mix in HIIT, weights, and Pilates. But on tour, the gym just doesn’t happen for me.

Nashville Fit: It sounds like your performances double as your cardio! Do you follow any specific diet while you’re on the road?

Leah Kate: Not really, no. Sticking to a routine with how hectic touring can be is hard. Sometimes, we stop at a gas station and grab whatever is available. The other day, I had a bag of pickles and considered it a vegetable! [Laughs] I try to eat healthy, but it takes work when you’re constantly traveling. After shows, I’m usually starving, so I end up eating something like tacos. It’s all about balance!

Nashville Fit: Relatable! So, when you’re not performing or traveling, how do you unwind after a long day?

Leah Kate: Sleep is everything to me. I go to bed as early as possible because I get sick quickly if I don’t get enough rest. After the show, I want to return to the hotel, drink tea, and sleep. I don’t go out much on tour—it’s all about keeping my energy up for the performances.

Nashville Fit: It sounds like you have a good system. Looking ahead, what’s next for you in terms of your career?

Leah Kate: I’m excited about what’s coming! I’m teasing an extensive collaboration right now, and more music is on the way. Next year, I plan to release a new album and hit the road for more tours. My goal has always been to keep putting out music I love, which has brought me to some of the best moments in my career so far. I’ve also got some more collaborations, so stay tuned—2024 will be a big year!

Nashville Fit: That’s amazing! If you could collaborate with anyone, who would be your dream artist?

Leah Kate: Dua Lipa. I’ve been a huge fan of hers for a while, and it would be incredible to work together. We’re manifesting that one for sure! [Laughs]

Nashville Fit: We’d love to see that happen! To wrap things up, we’ve got some rapid-fire questions for you—coffee or tea?

Leah Kate: Coffee, for sure.

Nashville Fit: Pumpkin spice or not?

Leah Kate: Yes, but only sometimes—it’s super sugary, but I love it!

Nashville Fit: Heels or sneakers?

Leah Kate: Sneakers, always.

Nashville Fit: Last one—boxing or cycling?

Leah Kate: Boxing! I love it. I’ve been going to Rumble for years.

Nashville Fit: That’s awesome. Leah, thank you so much for chatting with us! We can’t wait to see what’s next for you, and we’ll be catching one of your shows soon.

Leah Kate: Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see you there!

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Author: NFM Staff

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