Manage Everyday Stressors: 5 Practical Techniques that Actually Work

A man walking barefoot on pavement

Do you know? According to the American Institute of Stress, 33% of people experience extreme stress. Additionally, 77% have stress that affects their physical health, and 73% feel it impacts their mental health. This data highlights the importance of anxiety management, especially in busy cities like New York.

Life can be overwhelmingly stressful. Deadlines, family responsibilities, and unexpected events can quickly accumulate, leaving us feeling frazzled and drained. Managing anxiety isn’t just a luxury; it’s essential for a happier, healthier life.

In this article, we’ll explore five practical techniques for managing everyday anxiety effectively. Let’s take the first step towards reclaiming our peace and well-being.

Anxiety Therapy

According to the NYC Anxiety Therapists, anxiety is a natural part of life and helps us stay alert to potential dangers. While it can sometimes be overwhelming and cause unnecessary stress, that can impact physical and mental health poorly. It also affects your lifestyle and social connections.

Here,  anxiety treatment can help you find balance and regain your peace of mind. Therapists can guide you through this process. They will help you by teaching you coping strategies and helping you understand and manage your anxiety. They offer personalized support and techniques, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). There are several other benefits of the therapy, including:


  • Reduces anxiety symptoms
  • Improves coping mechanisms
  • Enhances emotional regulation
  • Boosts overall mental health


Aromatherapy is a great way to boost your mood and health using essential oils. Popular oils like lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint offer unique benefits. Lavender helps you relax and unwind. Eucalyptus clears your mind with its refreshing scent. Peppermint energizes and revitalizes you. 

These oils can transform your environment and well-being in various ways that involve:


  • Use a diffuser to fill your space with their enchanting scents, creating a serene atmosphere. 
  • Inhale them directly for an instant, uplifting boost. 
  • Apply them topically to enjoy their therapeutic.


Everything collectively benefits, like reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, and promoting overall wellness. With aromatherapy, you can turn everyday moments into a sensory retreat, enhancing your life with natural, fragrant magic.

Sensory Activities

Sensory activities engage your senses and help you relax. Here are three unique activities:


Slime is a fun and effective anxiety relief tool. The tactile sensation of playing with slime can be very calming. Making slime at home is easy and fun.


  • Recipe: Mix glue, baking soda, and contact lens solution for a basic slime.
  • Experience: Many people find that playing with slime helps them unwind.

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response)

ASMR involves sounds that trigger a relaxing sensation. Common triggers include whispering, tapping, and brushing.


  • Finding Your ASMR: Explore different ASMR videos on YouTube to see what works for you.
  • Evidence: Research indicates that ASMR can reduce heart rate and improve mood.

Sandbox Play

Sandbox play isn’t just for kids. It can be very therapeutic for adults, too. Tactile engagement helps reduce anxiety and stimulate creativity. You can create a small sandbox at home with sand and mini tools.

Case Study: Therapists often use sandbox play to help clients express themselves and reduce stress.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

PMR is a simple yet powerful technique for reducing physical tension. Let’s understand the process.

How to Do It:

  • Find a Quiet Place: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Start with Your Toes: Tense the muscles in your toes, hold them for five seconds, then relax them completely.
  • Move Upward: Continue this process with each muscle group – your calves, thighs, abdomen, chest, arms, and finally, your face.
  • Focus on the Sensation: Pay attention to how your muscles feel when tensed and how they relax.


PMR can significantly reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. By physically releasing tension, you promote overall relaxation and calmness. Regular practice can also enhance your awareness of physical stress signals, allowing you to manage anxiety more effectively.

Forest Bathing (Shinrin-yoku)

Forest bathing, or Shinrin-yoku, means involving yourself in nature to improve your health. It’s not about exercise but about being fully present in a natural setting.

Health Benefits: Forest bathing can lower anxiety levels, improve mood, and boost overall well-being. It can also enhance your immune system, lower blood pressure, and increase energy levels.

How to Practice: Spend time in a park, forest, or any green space. Walk slowly, breathe deeply, and engage with your surroundings. Notice the colors, sounds, and smells of nature. Leave your phone behind to avoid distractions. Even a short 20-minute session can have significant benefits. 

Try to make this a regular part of your routine, aiming for at least once a week. Embrace the calm and peace that nature offers.


These techniques offer practical and effective ways to reduce everyday stress. From anxiety therapy to forest bathing, there’s something for everyone. Try these techniques and see what works best for you. Remember, taking small steps to manage anxiety can lead to big improvements in your overall health.

NFM Staff
Author: NFM Staff

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