Fit Friday Trainer Feature w/ Jill Dennes
We are happy to bring you quality trainers from all across middle Tennessee! In this video we want you to meet Jill Dennes. She works out of ProVita Fitness studio in germantown. You can check out ProVita here Here’s the workout from Jill. 3 Rounds 15/side DB Single Leg Sit to Stand 15 DB RDLs 40 yds Sled Push or 15 KB Swings 10/side DB Single Arm Bent Over Row 15 Push-Ups Give it a try!
Find Jill Here

Author: NFM Staff
Nashville’s go-to resource for all things Fitness, Health and Wellness in Music City. We’re a social and editorial platform dedicated to amplifying community events, exchanging meaningful dialogue through user generated content and sharing authentic stories that transcend fitness.