A day in the life….at a Health Retreat
Omari Bernard comes to us from the world of health and fitness retreats. He has traveled the world working with small groups in a retreat setting and in this article today he shares with you what you can expect from this rising new fitness trend.
If you’re not already familiar with health retreats, I’m sure your mind is running loose on the concept of what a day might look like. Maybe you’re envisioning a full day of just lounging on the beach, drinking a piña colada, with a little (or a lot) of spa time sprinkled in between. Or maybe you envision a day where you wake up, meditate, attend some yoga practices, drink green juices, and eat vegan foods, topped off with a lot of time to reflect and journal.
Let me be the first to tell you that you’re right! Thankfully, There is something for everyone out there. Retreats that tailor to a particular group or individual; whatever you are looking for exists! And the exciting news is you’re just one click away from discovering what you need!
Many different layouts will use as the structure for their retreat platform. There’s no wrong way; however….well, before I go down that rabbit hole, I’ll digress.
The whole concept of a retreat is to get away. I mean, it’s literally in the name itself: ‘Retreat.’ Retreat from the busyness of the outside world to slow things down and connect with your inner self.
Sounds euphoric? It is! Unless you’re that small percent out there that thinks otherwise. But If you’re like many people where life seems like you’re on this hamster wheel that feels extremely difficult to break away from, going on a retreat would sound refreshing, nourishing, and cleansing to the soul! And to be honest, it is that and more in ways you may not even expect!
Again, all retreats are unique in their own way, so it will be hard to speak for all of them. However, at the ReVive Retreat company, we have a mission to make you feel refreshed and renewed. Our goal at R&R is to provide you with the space you need to make any retreat your unique experience. Our aim is to have you reconnect with yourself in ways you may have forgotten even existed.
We generally start off with a morning walk. Whether you want just time for yourself and take it easy, or you want to go for the gold at a record pace, we are here to support it all! We follow the walk (or world-class performance) up with a regenerating breakfast made by our cook, who puts the L in love. All foods are precisely thought out ahead of time and discussed with fitness professionals to aid in maximizing recovery.
After breakfast, you will be given some time to regroup. Shortly after that, we will all meet collectively to set intentions and expectations for the day, which will roll right into the fun! And when I say ‘fun,’ I mean workouts. At our ReVive Retreats, we want to make exercise fun and enjoyable to make you want to move with a purpose. All movements are well-designed to have you there in mind. Of course, it helps that all our specialists are experts in corrective and/or functional exercises.
After a ‘fun-filled’ morning, we will again be replenished at lunchtime with meals that will have you moaning with satisfaction! If you aren’t having fun yet, prepare for our afternoon sessions! This is where we adventure out and explore whatever destination we are visiting. Whether hiking a mountain top, biking on the beach, or kayaking down the river. This is yet another opportunity to connect with nature and yourself.
Each day usually ends with time to decompress, which we do by incorporating a yoga session or stretching and relaxation class. After that, we will again all sit together as a family and have supper, which generally brings about great conversations and laughs about the happenings of that day.
After dinner, you can retreat back to your private room for some more alone time, or you can join us and play some games! Game nights are not structured and are all about connecting and having fun. Some nights we will spend a little time diving deep with introspection and reflection, which we find incredibly beneficial for the growth and success of each individual.
Although we have the whole day planned with a mix of time together, time alone, workouts, dining, and adventure, you will always have the choice to do what you need to do for yourself. This is your time, and we want to honor where you are today to make it an experience that leaves you feeling ReVived!
If this sounds like a suitable retreat, feel free to find us at
www.thereviveretreat.com or on all the social media platforms at Revive Retreats. We are here to answer any questions you may have, and we look forward to having you as our guest soon!
Please follow Revive Retreats on Instagram

Author: NFM Staff
Nashville’s go-to resource for all things Fitness, Health and Wellness in Music City. We’re a social and editorial platform dedicated to amplifying community events, exchanging meaningful dialogue through user generated content and sharing authentic stories that transcend fitness.