12 Ways to Switch up Your Fitness Routine for More Motivation

Exercising is likely one of the most fulfilling parts of your week. It’s when you release your stress and feel accomplished, but it might also get repetitive. Read about these easy ways to switch up a workout routine to change that. You’ll gain more motivation because you’ll feel excited to get moving every day.

1. Ask What Movement You Enjoy

Sticking with a routine is easy because you’ve done it for a long time. You might be good at running, but is it enjoyable? Does lifting weights make you happy? Reflect on your standard exercises to consider if you’d enjoy a different type of workout. As you learn how to stay motivated when exercising, practice this tip to always stay in touch with your fitness interests.

2. Join a Group

Group exercise ranked as No. 14 among the top 20 fitness trends in 2023. It’s rising in popularity after dipping the previous two years, so now is an excellent opportunity to try it for yourself too. See if any group fitness classes are available around town or at your preferred gym. You may enjoy exercising more if it includes an occasional fitness instructor-led class.

This routine change is also a great way to make your workouts more sustainable. If you make a few friends in your group classes, consider carpooling together. The group trip would reduce your collective carbon footprint by reducing how much gas everyone uses to attend your classes.

3. Create Exercise Rewards

It’s much easier to complete a task that includes a reward. Gain more motivation by changing your workout rewards throughout the month. Sometimes, that might be buying fresh fruit or an iced coffee after visiting the gym. Other times, you might rent a new movie or enjoy a bubble bath that evening. It depends on what you find most exciting after exercising.

4. Change Your Location

No one enjoys going to the same places every day. A change in scenery could be exactly what you need to fall in love with exercising again. Try working out at a different gym or in your backyard to enjoy your fitness sessions in a fresh space.

You could even exercise on an adult playground to try something new. These locations feature outdoor workout equipment, trails or spaces to spread out a yoga mat. The venue change could help you achieve the 150 minutes of daily exercise experts recommend for adults. You won’t feel stuck inside, which might be what’s making your gym trips feel less rewarding.

5. Assign Movement Types to Different Days

The days of the week present exciting ways to switch up a workout routine. Match your movement type to the first letter of the day. You’ll always have something different to enjoy when your sessions begin, which might renew your motivation. Try themes like:

  • Monday: Medicine Ball Movements
  • Tuesday: Treadmill Jogging
  • Wednesday: Walking With a Weighted Vest
  • Thursday: Tricep Toning Exercises
  • Friday: Forearm Planks and Frog Jumps
  • Saturday: Squats With a Barbell
  • Sunday: Sprints Around a Track

You can always switch your daily themes according to your workout days or the movements that feel best for your body. Changing them weekly could also boost your motivation because your routine would never feel the same.

6. Stick With Shorter Sessions Sometimes

People sometimes lose their motivation when exercising feels overwhelming. Remember, you can always change your fitness regimen by adding shorter exercise sessions. Small bursts of movement reduce mortality rates related to cancer because you’re still increasing your heart rate.

Pushing yourself a bit less sometimes is an important thing to remember as you learn how to stay motivated when exercising. Shorter workouts help your body reserve more energy so you’re ready to go during longer sessions.

7. Design a Fun Workout Calendar

Getting active regularly is much easier if you follow a schedule. Make that schedule fun by designing an exercise calendar in your favorite colors or fonts. You’ll anticipate each time you get to check off a daily exercise if it means placing a sticker over that day on your aesthetically pleasing calendar.

8. Create New Goals

Fitness goals are different for everyone. If your goals don’t excite you to hit the gym, create new ones. It could be as simple as doing one type of exercise you haven’t tried before. Maybe you’d like to target a specific muscle group or get a bit faster on the treadmill.

Your exercise goals can also match your values. Someone who loves nature could decide to work out twice a month in a local park. You would get more time in the sunshine, decrease your risk of heart disease and surround yourself with the natural environment instead of a gym. Pick whatever goals make you happy or excite you to exercise again.

9. Listen to Different Playlists Each Time

Music is a great way to keep yourself moving. An upbeat pace may even keep you on time with your reps. As you learn how to stay motivated when exercising, create a different playlist for each day of the week. You could even slide podcast episodes in between songs. You may look forward to your gym trip again because you want to hear your latest playlist.

10. Upgrade Your Workout Wardrobe

If getting a new outfit for work or a date excites you, do the same for the gym. You’ll feel more motivated if your next trip features a brand-new outfit. Try a new athletic style or clothing featuring eco-friendly materials. They’ll inspire you to get back into your fitness schedule by adding a fresh, empowering vibe to your daily routine.

Some clothes also make different movements easier. It’s challenging to do squats in shorts that develop a loose waistband due to months or years of stretching. Consider what might need a functional upgrade in your current gym wardrobe to support your comfort and ease of motion.

11. Watch Videos About the Gym Machines

You might want to change things up at the gym with different machines but feel too intimidated by them. Watch videos about your desired equipment before leaving for the gym. You won’t worry about hoping you’ll use it correctly in front of others working out nearby. You’ll discover how people operate your selected machine safely without the risk of embarrassment.

Any potential routine will become possible once you don’t feel nervous around different equipment. Your time online could even connect you with virtual trainers or free video playlists that double as workout resources that upgrade our gym routine.

12. Rearrange Your Reps

Consider what you typically do during your workouts. If you can recite your pushups, sit-ups and planking reps in your sleep, swap their order. You’ll feel like you’re doing something new just by shifting your reps around.

Start by targeting a different muscle group first or only do the reps that seem most interesting after your session begins. You’ll claim more ownership over your exercise regimen by reinventing it. You might even challenge yourself to find new ways to push your body because you’re no longer locked into certain sets.

Switch up Your Workout Routine This Week

If you’re ready to get creative, there are numerous ways to switch up a workout routine. Try these ideas to renew your motivation, no matter how you like to exercise. Going outside, attending classes alongside a friend or wearing something new to the gym could be all you need to remember why exercising is so fulfilling.

Beth Rush
Author: Beth Rush

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