by Katie Schreiber

Exercise #1: TRX Forearm Plank Hold
A) Adjust the TRX straps to mid-calf length. B) Start with your knees, palms and forearms on the ground, facing away from the TRX straps with your feet directly underneath the anchor point. Your feet should be in the loops underneath the handles. C) Lift your knees off the ground and bring your legs together. You’ll know that you are in the correct position when your ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles are all in line. D) Hold yourself steady for 30-60 seconds with just your elbows touching the ground. E) Slowly bring your knees back to the ground. Repeat until the desired rep count has been reached.
Increase the intensity! To amplify this exercise, bring your knees to your elbows, engaging your obliques, one at a time. Left, then right. Repeat until the desired rep count has been reached.

Exercise #2: TRX Standing Plank Roll Out
A) To begin, stand facing away from your TRX anchor point, holding onto the handles with your palms facing your thighs. B) While keeping your abs and core engaged and your arms straight, slowly extend your arms out in front of you, reaching your biceps to your ears. C) Use your abs and arms to pull yourself back to the starting position. D) Repeat until the desired rep count has been reached.
Increase the intensity! The further you extend your arms, the more challenging this exercise will become. You can also try moving your feet closer to the anchor point. Try them both to amplify this movement.

Exercise #3: TRX Pike
A) Adjust the TRX straps to mid-calf length. Begin in a suspended plank position with your feet in the loops underneath the handles, toes facing down and wrists directly underneath your shoulders. Your body should be in a straight line from head to toe. B) Press down through your palms and lift your hips up toward the ceiling by drawing your legs toward your chest until you look like an upside down V or as high as you can go. Engage your core. C) Slowly lower your legs and return to the starting position. D) Repeat until the desired rep count has been reached.

Exercise #4: TRX Knee Tuck
A) With the straps at mid-calf length, place your feet into loops underneath the handles. B) Lift your knees off the ground, coming into a plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Your back should be flat and your core should be engaged (there should be no arch or dip of the torso visible) C) Bring both knees toward your elbows at the same time. D) Extend your legs, returning to the starting position. E) Repeat until the desired rep count has been reached.
Increase the intensity! The intensity of this exercise can be increased by positioning your body further away from the anchor point of the TRX and lengthening the straps.

Exercise #5: TRX Seated Side Reach
A) Sit directly underneath the TRX anchor, legs bent slightly in front of you, heals on the ground. In a tall seated position, lean back at a slight angle and extend your arms straight out in front of you, holding on to the handles, palms facing down.
B) Keep your left arm straight as you open your right arm out to the side, eyes gaze upon the opening arm. C) Return your arm back to center and repeat on opposite side. D) Continue back and forth, until the desired rep count has been reached.

Exercise #6: TRX Tall Hand Plank
A) Adjust the TRX straps tomid-calff length. B) Start with your knees, palms and forearms on the ground, facing away from the anchor with your feet directly underneath the anchor point with feet in the loops. C) Lift your knees off the ground and bring your legs together. D) Then, lift up into a hand plank position with wrists stacked under your shoulders and straight arms. Engage your core and do not allow your hips to sag. Hold steady for 30-60 seconds. E) Repeat until the desired rep count has been reached.
Increase the intensity! The intensity of this exercise can be increased by alternating tapping each shoulder with the opposite hand. Keep your core tight and try not to sway throughout.