by Mike Krajewski
• Set up facing the anchor point
• Grab the handles and lean back to create tension in the straps with an overhand grip
• While maintaining a strong core and glutes, pull yourself toward the anchor in a row movement
Key Focus: Maintain tension in the straps throughout the entire movement.
TRX Chest Press
• Set up facing away from the anchor point
• Grab the handles with the straps over your shoulders and position yourself in a straight-arm plank
• While maintaining a strong core and glutes, bend your elbows to lower your body as if performing a push-up
Key Focus: Maintain tension in the straps throughout the entire movement.
TRX Hamstring Curl
• Set up lying flat on the ground facing the anchor point
• With heels hooked in the straps, press arms into the ground, engage your glutes and lift your hips and legs off of the ground
• While maintaining elevated hips and legs, engage your hamstrings by curling your heels toward your glutes
Key Focus: The hips should remain in the air throughout the entire movement.
TRX Squat +Y-Raise
• Set up facing the anchor point
• Grab the handles and lean back at about a 45-degree angle until you feel tension in the straps
• Squat your butt down to your heels. The goal is to push knees forward more than a normal squat so you’re leaning back and holding yourself up with the straps in the bottom of the squat
• Stand up while remaining on that backwards lean
• At the top of the squat, with straight locked arms, engage your shoulders by raising yourself toward the anchor point with arms in a ‘Y’ position
• Lower the ‘Y’ with completely locked arms until you’re back in the starting position and repeat
• One squat, and one Y-raise is 1 rep
TRX Bicep Curl
• Set up facing the anchor point
• Grab the handles and lean back to create tension in the straps with an underhand grip
• While maintaining a strong core and glutes, pull yourself toward the anchor by bending only at the elbows with a bicep curl movement
Key Focus: Your upper arm should be as close to parallel with the ground as possible in order to maximize the biceps workload.
TRX Pike
• Set up on the ground facing away from the anchor point with feet in the straps
• With straight arms, press yourself up into a straight-arm plank position
• Maintaining flexed legs, elevate your hips straight up in the air while engaging your abdominals in order to attempt to bring your feet as close to your arms as possible
Key Focus: When in starting position, ensure that the hips are not drooping down and the low back isn’t absorbing the pressure. It is important to maintain strong abs in the straight arm plank position of this movement.