Eat Dirt
Dr. Josh Axe
A major contribution to our longevity is controlled by making simple changes to our diet and lifestyle. Nashville resident Dr. Josh Axe explains how some modern “improvements” to our food supply can actually be damaging our intestinal health. Eat Dirt analyzes the cause and effects of an intestinal condition called leaky gut syndrome, which could be affecting as much as 80% of our population. Dr. Axe explains how and why we need a little “dirt” in our daily lives and how incorporating it into our diet will support the microorganisms that are living in our stomachs. This fascinating read tells you how drastically food impacts everything we do; from our activity levels to our current mood. You’ll also discover why the “5-second rule” could become your new favorite game.
The 4×4 Diet
Erin Oprea
This local celebrity trainer and former marine is no newcomer to the health and fitness industry. Erin’s experience has narrowed her focus as a personal trainer to further perfecting workouts and diet routines with simple yet proven strategies. The 4×4 Diet provides you with a wealth of knowledge revolving around four key food techniques and 4-minute workouts known as tabatas. It’s an easy-to-read guide for healthy choices and tips. Erin also gifts her readers with her very own meal plans, recipes, and workouts.
Nutrition Stripped
McKel Hill
Another Nashville native, McKel Hill, shares her passion for living a non-processed, whole food diet in her first recipe book, Nutrition Stripped. Filled with colorful imagery and detailed instructions, McKel’s cookbook contains a hundred whole-food recipes and options for every meal! Best part? She includes healthy dessert options. She encourages every single ingredient to be handpicked and free of additives and artificial substances to give you the most essential nutrients that your body requires and deserves. Besides dessert, spend some time with the breakfast recipes. The Buckwheat Pancakes topped with Honey Coconut Cream are a fan favorite!
Sleep Smarter
Shawn Stevenson
Arguably the missing piece in the health and fitness conversation today is the importance of sleep. We prepare for every other task throughout the day, and Shawn argues sleep should be no different. He refuses to let the art of falling asleep be forgotten, as it allows our entire system time to recover. His popular podcast, The Model Health Show, was featured in our last issue, but we can’t get enough of his health and wellness factoids. Sleep Smarter has twenty one essential strategies to sleep your way to a better body, better health, and bigger success. No more tossing and turning at night.
How Not To Die
Dr. Michael Greger
Hippocrates quotes, “Let food be thy medicine,” but do we truly understand how important those words are to our future? Don’t let the title of this book deter you from picking it up. How Not to Die is an encyclopedia of nutritional awareness that explains the causes behind the fifteen top diseases and premature deaths in America. If you like to geek out on cutting edge nutritional science, this books deserves your attention. It also includes Dr. Greger’s “Daily Dozen”, a checklist of the twelve foods we should be consuming every day.
The 4-Hour Chef
Tim Ferriss
I’m kind of a sucker for anything written by Tim Ferriss. Every time I open a new copy, my eyes are glued to the page and I have been known to fill up a journal or two with notes. If you’re familiar with the 4-Hour Work Week, then you know Tim’s books provide you with hacks to maximize output. While you most likely won’t cook like a pro after the first read, The 4-Hour Chef teaches you some of the most important techniques you need to know in the kitchen. This book will teach you the building blocks on how to cook, not just how to follow a recipe because you’re only as good as the tools in your tool belt. So whether you are new to using the oven or a mad scientist in the kitchen, Tim is culturally seasoned to give you a number of ideas for experimentation.