Workout Date: Saturday, December 12th
Location: Each participating Gym
Cause: Benefitting the American Heart Association of Middle Tennessee through the 2021 Heart Gala Late Party.
The Middle Tennessee Heart Gala Late Party is designed to spark awareness, compassion and a deeper understanding of the nation’s no. 1 and no. 5 killers – cardiovascular diseases and stroke. It is an opportunity to celebrate advances in the fight, celebrate the lives of survivors, and unite our community
toward a healthier, happier future. Corporate, social, medical, and philanthropic members of the community are joined together to advocate, support, and directly impact the mission of the American Heart Association.
Cost: $10 donation per participant/athlete – Using Mobile Cause Late Party website, please be sure to select the gym you will be representing. Gyms will not need to collect or keep track of funds – we will use the Mobile Cause Website to handle all tracking. Participants are welcome and encouraged to make donations at a higher amount than the $10 buy-in.
“Hearty Holiday 12” Workout – Caleb Gregory (CrossFit East Nashville) to program. Similar to popular 12 Days of Christmas workout. Adjust and scale as needed for your gym’s workout style andor your members’ abilities. Scale as needed (Please contact Matt Donnelly below for scaling suggestions!)
Sequence: Kick things off with 1 short run, then you’ll do 2 handstand pushups and 1 short run, then 3 Front Squats, 2 Handstand Pushups, 1 Short Run and so on until you finish with 12 Power Snatches, 11 calorie row, etc. until you end with 1 Short Run.
1. Short Run (Shuttle Run or 200m)
2. Handstand Pushup (Shoulder Press/Hand-release Pushup)
3. Front Squat (Goblet Squat)
4. Hang Power Clean (Dumbbell Hang Power Clean or Curls)
5. Deadlift
6. Pullups (Assisted Pullups/Ring Rows/Bent-over Rows)
7. Box Jumps (Step-ups)
8. Toes-To-Bar (Sit-ups, Hanging knee raises, v-ups)
9. Wallballs (Dumbbell Thrusters, Split Jumps)
10. Kettlebell Swings (Dumbbell)
11. Calorie Row (Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 11 Mountain Climbers on each leg)
12. Power Snatch (Dumbbell Snatch)
How to “Win”:
We’re all winners when it’s for charity, but the gym with the highest donation dollars wins the award!
Bragging Rights, Recognition at the Late Party and Winning Gym will receive 10 Tickets to Late Party Digital Experience on January 30, 2021
Have Fun!:
Encourage ugly Christmas sweaters or other fun holiday themes. Feel free to make an internal competition of your own gym members too!
**Questions? Please contact Matt Donnelly – 610.730.7686 or matthewdonnelly18@gmail.com**